Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Nokia Siemens Networks Launches "Liquid Net"

Nokia Siemens Networks today announced the launch of  Liquid Net a "new way to deliver broadband".
Liquid Net builds on the principles of Nokia Siemens Networks Liquid Radio architecture3.
It adds Liquid Core and Liquid Transport functionality to the network which can be implemented either separately in multi vendor environments or in concert across an operator’s entire network to bring the full benefits of Liquid Net to bear.

Liquid Net will now allow operator to set up its network to self-adapt to meet capacity and coverage requirements based on demand. The new approach also aims to significantly improve the quality of broadband services worldwide.

Nokia Siemens Networks has created Liquid Net2, to free-up unused capacity and allocate it instantly across the whole network wherever and whenever it is needed.

Liquid Net uses automated, self-adapting broadband optimization to deliver services and content to ensure the best customer experience by always being aware of the network’s operational status and the services being consumed.

In addition, Liquid Net channels traffic in the transport network along the path of least resistance and lowest cost between operator sites.

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ref: http://tinyurl.com/3qr2g6b

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Youtube screen goes all black when switches it to full screen?

What to do when Youtube screen goes all black when switches it to full screen?

Are having issues watching YouTube Videos?

If you can hear audio, but are not seeing the video, Please try following Trick:

1. Play any video on Youtube.

2. Go to Full screen mode by double clicking on screen.

3. Right click on Screen.(a menu will pop up)

4. Select "Setting"

5. Uncheck "Enable Hardware Acceleration"

6. Restart your Browser (Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome/Opera/Safari or any other)

You have done it.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Show Your Name in Taskbar near Clock

Please follow the steps to see your name in Taskbar:

1. Go to "Control Panel".

2. Open "Regional and Language Options".

3. Click on "Customize" Tab.

4. Click on "Time" Tab.

5. Change "AM" to "YOUR_NAME" in "AM symbol" box.

6. Change "PM" to "YOUR_NAME" in "PM symbol" box.

7. Click on "Apply" Button.  

...and now you are done.