Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How to Jailbreak/Unlock Apple iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad

How to Jailbreak/Unlock Apple iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad:

Jailbreaking iPhone means freeing it from the limitations imposed on it by your carrier, whether that's Vodafone or Airtel,  and Aircel. You install a software application on your computer, and then transfer it to your iPhone, where it "breaks open" the iPhone’s file system to allow you to modify it.

There is a little difference between Jailbreaking and Unlocking. Jailbreaking allows you to install 3rd party applications, customize graphics, sounds, etc. While Unlocking allows you to use the phone on any GSM network.

There are many methods to Jailbreak apple iPhone. Some of them are:

1. JailBreakMe:

This is an application which you need to install directly on your device and can perform the jailbreaking operation. You need to visit the site via your device browser, get the application and then watch the video below.


2. Limera1n:

This tool too is a latest released in the market to jailbreak iPhone or iPads having iOS4. This is a very easy to use tool and available for windows, Linux and Mac platform as well. Watch the video below for jailbreaking process.

3. GreenPois0n:

This is the latest tool released to jailbreak apple devices which has the capability to jailbreak even the newer OS which is iOS4. This software is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS so you may choose your platform to download and get things done. Watch the video below to know how to jailbreak.

4. ToolJail 2.2:

ToolJail is designed for iPhone newbie’s to help them jailbreak and unlock their iPhone and iPod touch. It contains all the necessary jailbreak and unlock instructions, along with how-to’s on DFU and Recovery Mode, downgrading firmware, and direct download links for all the necessary tools required.

These are the some methods used to jailbreaking iPhone, iPad and iPod.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Father of 'C' and UNIX, Dennis Ritchie, Passed Away

Father of 'C' and UNIX, Dennis Ritchie, Passed Away:

Dennis Ritchie, father of Unix and an esteemed computer scientist, died on October 8, 2011 at the age of 70. 

Ritchie, also known as “dmr”, is best know for creating the C programming language as well as being instrumental in the development of UNIX along with Ken Thompson. Ritchie spent most of his career at Bell Labs, which at the time of his joining in 1967, was one of the largest phone providers in the U.S. and had one of the most well-known research labs in operation.

Working alongside Thompson (who had written B) at Bell in the late sixties, the two men set out to develop a more efficient operating system for the up-and-coming minicomputer, resulting in the release of Unix (running on a DEC PDP-1) in 1971.

Though Unix was cheap and compatible with just about any machine, allowing users to install a variety of software systems, the OS was written in machine (or assembly) language, meaning that it had a small vocabulary and suffered in relation to memory.

By 1973, Ritchie and Thompson had rewritten Unix in C, developing its syntax, functionality, and beyond to give the language the ability to program an operating system. The kernel was published in the same year.

Today, C remains the second most popular programming language in the world (or at least the language in which the second most lines of code have been written), and ushered in C++ and Java; while the pair’s work on Unix led to, among other things, Linus Torvalds’ Linux. The work has without a doubt made Ritchie one of the most important, if not under-recognized, engineers of the modern era.

His work, specifically in relation to UNIX, led to him becoming a joint recipient of the Turing Award with Ken Thompson in 1983, as well as a recipient of the National Medal of Technology in 1998 from then-president Bill Clinton.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Turn Your LinkedIn Profile into a Resume

Turn Your LinkedIn Profile into a Resume:

Your resume introduces you to potential employers. If you don`t know how to write one that will make a good impression, Use .

With an in-built Resume Builder Facility brought about by LinkedIn, now you can convert your LinkedIn Profile into a beautiful resume in seconds.

If you have a LinkedIn account, creating a resume is a quick and painless process with their Resume Builder.

To start, click the Sign in with LinkedIn button, located in the middle of the page. Provide your LinkedIn email and password, then click Ok, I’ll Allow it.

 On the left side of the screen are possible resume formats. Click on the sample format of your choice.

Potential resume areas with no automatic content are grayed-out. To activate these areas, you must update your LinkedIn profile. Click the blue i next to these areas for a link to update the profile.

To change the order in which items appear on your resume, scroll to the top of the screen and click outline. From this menu, you can include, exclude and rearrange the potential resume items.
Once satisfied with your resume, use the links at the top of the screen to share the resume on your favorite social networking site, preview how the resume will look to other people, and save the resume as a PDF.

This is the fastest way to create resume.

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Internet / Chat Acronyms

Some Internet / Chat Acronyms:

AFAIK As Far As I Know 
AFK Away From Keyboard 
ASAP As Soon As Possible 
A/S/L Age/Sex/Location
ATST At The Same Time
AYSOW Are You Stupid Or What?
B4N/BFN Bye For Now
BAS Big A$$ Smile 
BBL Be Back Later 
BBN Bye Bye Now 
BBIAB Be Back In A Bit
BBS Be Back Soon 
BEG Big Evil Grin 
BF Boyfriend 
BIBO Beer In, Beer Out     
BRB Be Right Back 
BR Best Regards
BTW By The Way 
BWL Bursting With Laughter 
C&G Chuckle and Grin 
CID Consider It Done
CIO Check It Out
CSL Can't Stop Laughing
CICO Coffee In, Coffee Out 
CID Crying In Disgrace 
CNP Continued (in my) Next Post 
CP Chat Post(a chat message) 
CRBT Crying Real Big Tears 
CSG Chuckle Snicker Grin 
CYA See You
CYAL8R See You Later
DLTBBB Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite 
EG Evil Grin 
EMSG Email Message 
FC Fingers Crossed 
FTBOMH From The Bottom Of My Heart 
FYI For Your Information 
FWIW For What It's Worth 
GAL Get A Life 
GF Girlfriend 
GFN Gone For Now 
GMBA Giggling My Butt Off 
GMTA Great Minds Think Alike 
GTSY Glad To See You 
H&K Hug and Kiss 
HABU Have A Better 'Un 
HAGN Have A Good Night 
HAGU Have A Good 'Un 
HHIS Hanging Head in Shame 
HUB Head Up Butt 
IAE In Any Event 
IC I See 
IGP I Gotta Pee 
IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion 
IMO In My Opinion 
IMCO In My Considered Opinion 
IMHO In My Humble Opinion 
IOW In Other Words 
IRL In Real Life 
IWALU I Will Always Love You 
JMO Just My Opinion 
JTLYK Just To Let You Know 
KIT Keep In Touch 
KOC Kiss On Cheek 
KOL Kiss On Lips 
L8R Later 
L8R Later 'Gater 
LHM Lord Help Me 
LHO Laughing Head Off 
LHU Lord Help Us 
LMAO Laughing My A$$ Off 
LMSO Laughing My Socks Off 
LOL Laugh Out Loud 
LSHMBB Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing 
LSHMBH Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts 
LSHTTARDML Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg 
LTNS Long Time No See 
LTS Laughing To Self 
LUWAMH Love You With All My Heart 
LY Love Ya 
MTF More To Follow 
NRN No Reply Necessary 
NADT Not A Darn Thing 
OIC Oh, I See 
OL Old Lady (significant other) 
OM Old Man (significant other) 
OTOH On The Other Hand 
OTTOMH Off The Top of My Head 
PDS Please Don't Shoot 
PITA Pain In The A$$ 
PM Private Message 
PMFJI Pardon Me For Jumping In 
PMP Peed My Pants 
POAHF Put On A Happy Face 
POV Point of View
QSL Reply 
QSO Conversation 
QT Cutie 
RLF Real Life Friend 
ROFL Rolling On Floor Laughing 
ROFLAPMP And Peeing My Pants 
ROFLMAOWTIME With Tears In My Eyes 
ROFLUTSROFL Unable to Speak 
RU Are You?
RTFM Read The F*c*ing Manual! 
SETE Smiling Ear To Ear 
SHID Slaps Head In Disgust 
SNERT Snot  Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager 
SO Significant Other 
SOT Short Of Time 
SOTMG Short Of Time Must Go 
SWAK Sealed With A Kiss 
SWAS Scientific Wild A$$ Guess 
SWL Screaming with Laughter 
SYS See You Soon 
TA Thanks Again 
TGIF Thank God It's Friday 
TCOY Take Care Of Yourself 
TIA Thanks In Advance
TILII Tell It Like It Is 
TNT Till Next Time 
TOY Thinking Of You 
TTFN Ta Ta For Now 
TTYL Talk To You Later
TYVM Thank You Very Much 
WAS Wild Ass Guess 
WB Welcome Back 
WRT With Regard To
WTH What/Who The Hell
WTF What the F*ck
WYP What's Your Problem?
WYRN What's Your Real Name?
WYS Whatever You Say
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get
YBS You'll Be Sorry 
YG Young Gentleman 
YL Young Lady 
YM Young Man

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Nokia Siemens Networks Launches "Liquid Net"

Nokia Siemens Networks today announced the launch of  Liquid Net a "new way to deliver broadband".
Liquid Net builds on the principles of Nokia Siemens Networks Liquid Radio architecture3.
It adds Liquid Core and Liquid Transport functionality to the network which can be implemented either separately in multi vendor environments or in concert across an operator’s entire network to bring the full benefits of Liquid Net to bear.

Liquid Net will now allow operator to set up its network to self-adapt to meet capacity and coverage requirements based on demand. The new approach also aims to significantly improve the quality of broadband services worldwide.

Nokia Siemens Networks has created Liquid Net2, to free-up unused capacity and allocate it instantly across the whole network wherever and whenever it is needed.

Liquid Net uses automated, self-adapting broadband optimization to deliver services and content to ensure the best customer experience by always being aware of the network’s operational status and the services being consumed.

In addition, Liquid Net channels traffic in the transport network along the path of least resistance and lowest cost between operator sites.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Youtube screen goes all black when switches it to full screen?

What to do when Youtube screen goes all black when switches it to full screen?

Are having issues watching YouTube Videos?

If you can hear audio, but are not seeing the video, Please try following Trick:

1. Play any video on Youtube.

2. Go to Full screen mode by double clicking on screen.

3. Right click on Screen.(a menu will pop up)

4. Select "Setting"

5. Uncheck "Enable Hardware Acceleration"

6. Restart your Browser (Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome/Opera/Safari or any other)

You have done it.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Show Your Name in Taskbar near Clock

Please follow the steps to see your name in Taskbar:

1. Go to "Control Panel".

2. Open "Regional and Language Options".

3. Click on "Customize" Tab.

4. Click on "Time" Tab.

5. Change "AM" to "YOUR_NAME" in "AM symbol" box.

6. Change "PM" to "YOUR_NAME" in "PM symbol" box.

7. Click on "Apply" Button.  

...and now you are done.  

Friday, August 26, 2011

Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
F2 Edit the selected cell.
F5 Goto a specific cell. For example, C6.
F7 Spell check selected text and/or document.
F11 Create chart.
Ctrl + A Select all.
Ctrl + B Bold.
Ctrl + C Copy.
Ctrl + F Find (same as Shift + F5).
Ctrl + G Go To.
Ctrl + H Replace.
Ctrl + I Italic.
Ctrl + K Insert link.
Ctrl + N New Workbook.
Ctrl + O Open Workbook.
Ctrl + P Print dialog.
Ctrl + S Save.
Ctrl + U Underline.
Ctrl + V Paste.
Ctrl + Z Undo.
Ctrl + Y Redo.
Ctrl + X Cut.
Ctrl + 5 Strikethrough text.
Ctrl + F3 Define Name.
Ctrl + F4 Exit Excel.
Ctrl + F6 Switch between open workbooks.
Ctrl + F9 Minimize current window.
Ctrl + F10 Maximize current window.
Shift + F1 Activate Help on Item.
Shift + F2 Insert Comments
Shift + F3 Insert Function.
Ctrl + Shift + ; Enter the current time.
Ctrl + ; Enter the current date.
Ctrl + Page down Move to next worksheet.
Ctrl + Page up Move to previous worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + # Number Format: Date
Ctrl + Shift + @ Number Format: Time.
Ctrl + Shift + ! Number Format: Commas.
Ctrl + Shift + $ Number Format: Currency
Ctrl + Shift + % Number Format: Percentage
Ctrl + Shift + ^ Number Format: Scientific.
Ctrl + Space Select entire column.
Shift + Space Select entire row.
Ctrl + (Arrow key) Move to next section.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Microsoft Excel World Champion

A 15 years old British schoolgirl is the new "Microsoft Excel World Champion"

A 15 years old British school girl Rebecca Rickwood has won a global competition to find the best user of Microsoft’s Excel 2007. 

Rebecca, who is 15, was one of 228,000 competitors from 57 countries. She beat 78 students in the final round. Competitors were required to perform timed tests to demonstrate their skill at making spreadsheets. Rebecca was presented with her $5000 prize last week at a ceremony in San Diego, California.

Competitors performed timed tests to demonstrate their skill at making spreadsheets, reports the BBC, and Rebecca Rickwood, 15, clinched the $5,000 (around £3,000) prize in the Excel 2007 category of the Microsoft Office World Championships without making a single mistake.

She said: “I heard my name read out in first place and I just couldn’t believe it. I’m ecstatic, I just can’t believe I won and now I’m world champion. It’s a day I’ll never forget.”

Rebecca is a pupil at Sawtry Community College, Cambridgeshire, a specialist maths and computing secondary school.